July 4
How to choose a design for a flat. Styles guide
It can be difficult to choose a particular style for an interior. There are many of them: from classical minimalism to art deco, and each style has its own peculiarities. This article will be useful for those who want to structure their knowledge of interior styles and understand the most important ones.
Generally, styles come in 4 types: modern styles, Provence, classic and ethnic styles. Let's start with modern styles, because they are becoming more and more popular in recent years.
Modern styles
Their main feature is that they most often use modern materials and furniture, a minimum of decoration. They include:
  1. Minimalism
  2. Constructivism
  3. Retro style of the 60s
  4. Ecodesign
  5. Contemporary style
Provence is the name of a historic region in south-eastern France. It borders Italy and is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. The interior style of the same name closely resonates with this picturesque region. Imagine the sound of the surf, lavender field, delicate rosé and warm sun. All this is the style of Provence. Connection with nature, peacefulness, vintage and natural materials are characteristic of Provence, which has:
  1. French style
  2. American
  3. Swiss
  4. Italian
  5. Country
The name of the style may seem obvious, but its sub-styles are particularly markedly different from each other, so require a more detailed breakdown.
Modern classics
Suitable for rooms with symmetrical shapes and right angles. This style is characterised by restraint, harmony and elegance.
The epitome of luxury, glamour and affluence. Imagine the Los Angeles of the middle of the last century, luxurious American hotels and exquisite furniture in them. That's Art Deco.

Often associated with Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.
It should not be confused with the word ‘modern’. This style was widespread at the beginning of the last century. What is characteristic of it? Different levels, asymmetry, an abundance of decorations and antique objects. And also in such interiors you can often find stained glass and lamps of unusual shapes.
American classics
Combines cosiness, functionality and sophistication. It is universal, symmetrical, restrained in colours. ‘The fireplace in the living room and the kitchen-island are the hallmarks of American classics.
Renaissance rococo
This style is characterised by heavy luxury, abundance of gold, ornate shapes and lines. There is a lot of furniture, beautiful and expensive, paintings, elegant and picturesque.
Ethnic styles
These styles are the simplest and most harmonious. They are not difficult to realise at home, the main thing is to adhere to the motifs of the chosen ethnos for the style. The main ones are not so many:
  1. Scandinavia
  2. England
  3. Japan
  4. Africa-Morocco
Choosing an interior style for your flat is an interesting process where you can apply your imagination to the maximum. Now that you know the basic styles, it will be much easier and more enjoyable. At my architecture and design bureau we will help you decide on a style and realise your most interesting ideas and plans!


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